Lunch time....what is on the plate::::
Turkey sandwich with Larry the Cable Guy Chili Cheese Fries Potato Chips. Diet Dr. Pepper to wash it all down.
Looking around the house::::
I see too many projects that need done. A whole lot of cleaning to be done as well. But there is always a lot of cleaning on Mondays. :) That just means we had fun over the weekend, right?
On today's to do list::::
Laundry.... Several loads are waiting to be done, just like every other day. But this is a good thing, it means my family has an abundance of clothing to wear.
Cleaning..... The girls need some help with their room. It has gotten out of control (again) but it shouldn't be too long to get it cleaned up enough to be livable.
Gardening... The garden is looking pretty good right now. I have potatoes, onions, garlic, radishes, broccoli, corn, peas, beans, strawberries, tomatoes, celery and various flowers growing right now. I have even more potatoes, garlic, and strawberries to get in the ground. I also want to get some herbs going soon. The hard part is getting decent soil from the store. The sand just support a decent garden on its own.
Crafting..... Too many projects, too little time! I still haven't gotten back to the apron that I was working on here. I also want to get a few more things done this week. I MUST carve out some time!
Cooking.... Not cooking anything special today. Maybe next week...
Currently reading::::
On the TV today::::
The food network has been on most of the day today. Everything looks so yummy! I particularly like The Pioneer Woman and Ina Garten today. I want to eat everything they've made..
The weather outside is::::
Perfect, especially compared to much of the rest of the country. Mid 70's today with a bit of rain for the garden this morning. Low humidity this time of year. It will probably go down into the high 30's tonight. Not cold enough to cover the plants.
On the menu this week::::
Spaghetti maybe with meatballs. I'm going to be using organic sauce and noodles for the first time tonight. Not sure if it will taste any different. I hope it tastes better!
Pot Roast in the crock pot. I love using the crock pot for roast. Eventually I will get the recipes posted for this.
Chicken although I haven't decided what type yet. The kids will probably want breaded chicken fingers but I'd prefer something different. :)
Ham and Scalloped Potatoes
We'll be eating out somewhere more than likely.
Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes
If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Read a book or work on a craft project. I'm not sure though. I also like to spend some time on the Mary Jane's Farm website.
New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
Nothing new planned this week.
One of my simple pleasures::::
Watching the birds at the bird feeder in the backyard. Cardinals are regular visitors as well as bluejays. I haven't seen any robins heading back north yet. I see robins twice a year. In the fall when winter is coming up north and in the late winter when they are making their way back home. They came down early this year and aren't headed home yet.
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Not the best picture quality but I love my little garden. In the back you can see my clothesline. The pallets standing up are my compost pile.
Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye)::::
Haven't been visiting many blogs lately. I hope to spend some time visiting this week.
Quote of the week::::
The hurrier I go, the behinder I get...
This is from a neat little needlepoint wall hanging that I found at a local thrift store. It seems so true. The more I rush, the less I get done.
Enjoy your week!